An Akashic Records Reading is a journey into the depths of your Soul
The Akashic Records refers to the library of consciousness, the higher dimensional field where the records of all Souls (not only people but all energy forms including planets, celestial bodies, galaxies) and all possible timelines are kept.
An Akashic Reading is a gateway into receiving your own Soul’s guidance as well as guidance from your own spiritual team of Guides. It is a deeply intimate connection to the higher aspects of you, your multi-dimensional self and a re-alignment to your Soul’s unique blueprint and divine, multi-purpose essence.
An Akashic Records Reading is always a very loving, healing and uplifting experience.
When is an Akashic Reading recommended:
For re-aligning yourself to your Soul’s highest essence, mission and Divine blueprint for this existence
For experiencing joy, clarity & empowerment, as people experience a renewed sense of self confidence, feel “charged up” and go further in the pursuit of their dreams and projects after a Reading
When you would like to quantum leap in your life, career/business and are facing important choices
When you are ready to grow your business, align it with its highest blueprint and identify untapped opportunities. You can read all about it HERE.
When you are ready to feel all the love, support and generous guidance from your team of spiritual Guides and learn how to be in contact with them yourself
Having done hundreds of Readings for people all over the world, I always love witnessing the profound shifts in consciousness and awareness that a Reading brings.
Below you can find & book the type of Reading that is most appropriate for you.
Over time, I have come to understand the importance of actually taking ACT-ion on the guidance received through your Records, so I have also designed coaching packages that help you take the needed action that is transformative in your life, so as to maintain momentum & keep evolving.
Ultimately, an Akashic Records Reading is a journey of Coming Back Home to yourself, your authentic essence and your Soul’s path and lessons.
Choose the Akashic Reading offer most suitable for you
Meet your beautiful team of Spirit Guides
This is a 1h session in which you receive details about who are your Spiritual Guides and how they can each support you on your journey of growth & your evolutionary path, as well as how they can support you to move through any challenges you may be facing.
You can also ask one question to your Spiritual Guides about a particular area you would like to receive insights about. -
Life Akashic Records Reading
This is a 2h, complete, Akashic Records Reading in which you receive details about who are your Spiritual Guides and how they can support you on your path of evolution + you can ask and receive answers to max. 8 important life questions you would like to find clarity for, right now.
We can look into Relationships, important Life Decisions like where to live, important steps in your Career, Family related questions, Inner work related questions and anything else that interests you.The most beautiful part is that there is a deep re-alignment to your Soul’s highest path and journey that is happening during each Reading, so be ready for feeling a sense of expansion, joy or calmness and peace after, knowing that you have within you & around you the resources needed to move forward with grace in your life.
Business Akashic Records Reading
This is a 2h, complete, Business Akashic Records Reading in which you receive details about who are the Spiritual Guides of your business, that support you on your business growth path. You also ask and receive answers to max. 8 important business-related questions you would like to find clarity about right now.
Your business is a whole living ecosystem. It begins as an extension of you and then develops its own energy signature, history and possible future options.
An Akashic Reading for your business can help with:
* Understanding & evaluating the overall energy system of your business currently and how easily energy flows from one business area to another, as well as where there may be ailments
* Getting back into alignment with your business’s highest purpose and intention to create in highest service
* Evaluate the income flow and identify any areas of leakages (personal or business-wise)
*Gain clarity on options moving forward in various areas of your business (new services, products, marketing ideas, partnerships, metrics)
* Identify untapped opportunities and where you can be of best service
Life Akashic Reading + 3 Quantum Evolution Coaching Sessions
Over time, I have come to understand the importance of actually taking ACT-ion on the guidance received through your Records, so I have also designed coaching packages that help you take the needed action that is transformative in your life, so as to maintain momentum & keep evolving.
This includes a Life Akashic Records Reading + 3 Quantum Evolution Coaching Sessions. -
Business Akashic Records Reading + 3 Quantum Evolution Coaching Sessions
Over time, I have come to understand the importance of actually taking ACT-ion on the guidance received through your Records, so I have also designed coaching packages that help you take the needed action that can proper your business forward and make you gain momentum.
This includes a Business Akashic Records Reading + 3 Quantum Evolution Business Coaching Sessions.
Akashic Records Reading for a Place
Every place, land, home, office bears a signature energy and has its team of ancestral guides, elemental guides and Spirit guides.
By opening the Akashic Records of a place or land, clearings can be done and you can also receive insights and guidance on how to best bring to value that home / office / land, understanding what is truly for its highest and greatest good & what would most benefit the Earth.
This is a max. 4h Reading.
Gratitude Words
Alina is a gifted healer and energy worker, by tapping into my Akashic Records, we transcended time and space. I highly recommend her sessions for an in-depth understanding of the soul’s journey and a deeper connection with oneself.
Ana Paula Hur, Portugal
The session with Alina provided immense clarity, trust and purpose towards my new chapter in life. Having met her through a series of courses, I knew she is the one I would like to work with and completely trusted. She is bright, highly empathic and a pure gift. Her Reading for me was to the point, and extremely helpful and relatable. Hoping to work with her more and more in the future.
Sina Ghalambor, USA
My experience with Alina was magic. It happened almost a week ago, but I can still feel that energy and presence. It was like coming home, to my own self. I felt love and acceptance. And from that moment on, the feeling stayed within me, and I only need to tap in, whenever I need it. The akashic reading performed by Alina gave me a sence of belonging, of my own worth, it helped me connect the pieces missing and I can honestly say that it forever changed my life. I feel now more confident, more aware of Who I really am. I feel the support of my Guides, my dear Tribe, it was such a blessing to get to know them and estblish a connection with them. So, with all my heart, I recommend this journey. If you get to a point in your life where you need guidance and support, than taking this small but profound step with Alina can be exactly what you also need. Thank you. I am very grateful for this immense opportunity!
Cristiana - Alexandra Lupsea
My reading with Alina was pure Joy! I was blown away by her insight and the amount of time and energy she poured into helping me gain clarity. I would recommend her coaching & readings to anyone looking to get some direction and is not afraid of shifting their perspective on a few things. Alina - thank you for your dedication and for always supporting me. I would not be where I am without your guidance, and I look forward to our next session!
Akua Nyame-Mensah, Ghana