Sacred Feminine Business

A 7-months, modern-day Business Priestess Training here to empower your life & your career Leadership as a woman : Next Intake starts Spring 2025

The journey of a lifetime:

The foundational Sacred Feminine Business training that every woman deserves to receive, giving you the skills you to:

  1. Build your Career or Business on healthy principles, prioritizing your vision for a better life

  2. Learn how to tap into the wisdom of each of your power centers and Divine Feminine archetypes, incorporating them into your life and business

  3. Massively uplevel in your business and create from a place of ease, regulated nervous system and deep TRUST in your feminine body & intuition, taking consistent ACTION upon those intuitions

  4. Have a clear Vision that defines how you are here to create long-term impact in the world: —> the Impact Map of your thriving career & business

  5. Develop a toolbox of feminine practices that support you to elevate your energy, emotions and mindset at any time, while running your business

  6. Create & manifest from ease, grace, love & pleasure rather than hustle and over-whelm

  7. Take tangible steps towards growing your career & business to higher levels of income, with the Abundance practices & rituals you learn in this program

  8. Claim back & own your lifetimes of wisdom as a Priestess (wise woman), as well as your gifts and your callings, including them in your work and business for accelerated impact.

Why a Sacred Feminine Business training & Why now ?

The world needs more women in positions of leadership, more women claiming their voices, their message, their heart-driven Vision and making a positive impact in all fields, from business to international relations (ending war-mongering mentalities), advocacy, healing, wellness, sports, arts and the list goes on.

A study shows that the percentage of women CEOs in global mid-market (mid-sized companies and organizations) in 2024 was only… 19%. That is less than a fifth. I get shivers every time I hear such a statistic. The percentage is even lower for Fortune 500 companies. Only 10%.

At the same time, I am surrounded by female friends who, like myself, have graduated from top universities (with Masters, MBAs, PhDs), plus have years of leadership experience in companies and organizations all over the world who… hesitate to ask for a raise. Or hesitate to go for that CEO position. Or keep postponing to start their own company.

Women have been taught for millennia to take a supporting or side role, as care givers, but have been put down when it comes to leadership roles in society. Overlooked. Considered not strong enough. Well, this is the century and millennium where we claim back our power!

And where we show truly that there is power in “softness”. There is power in gentleness.

There is power in connecting to our Divine callings, there is power in listening and attuning to our intuition and there is Power in bringing love & harmony to the world.

One of the oldest wounds in our collective psyche is the “Priestess wound”. Priestesses used to be women who were sought after for their knowledge and wisdom, over 2 millennia ago (as oracles, strategists, clairvoyants, poets, healers, herbalists, medicine women, artists and so on), with a highly developed intuition and connection to the Divine.

With the advent of the Roman Empire and patriarchal structures at all levels in society, Priestesses were put down and eventually persecuted and forbidden.

Both women and men carry a persecution wound of the “feminine”, through the persecution of priestesses that happened for millennia.

It is a wound that refers to the fact that we sometimes shy away from / are fearful of expressing our true gifts and our innate connection to the Divine (that we all can access directly from within), for fear of judgement and for fear of becoming an outcast.

When we heal that wound within ourselves and claim back our Priestess natural power and abilities —> everything in our lives starts to flourish at a whole new level:

  • We gain the confidence to show ourselves fully at work and to ask for our worth

  • We gain confidence to start and pursue our businesses or go into higher-rewarded leadership positions in our career

  • We go after our dreams & callings knowing that we are Divinely guided and supported

  • We bring our contribution to the world (Priestesses are service-driven), especially now at a time when the Earth needs your gifts and needs you to be in your full feminine power, most!

My own journey with awakening my inner Priestess / Sacred Feminine:

My journey with coming back into contact with my sacred femininity (in life & business) started in the lead-up to a severe burnout at work in 2018 and crumbling of a relationship I was in (where I felt not seen and heard, loved), when I realized that I had dedicated my life to following externally imposed standards of success and externally imposed ways of working, that were leading me into grind, hustle, exhaustion and overwhelm.

The Divine Feminine is here to remind us there is another way of doing things: the Beauty Way, steeped in balance, harmony, deep love for oneself and all of life, respect for the natural intelligence of our bodies and reverence for this beautiful planet we get to call Home.

SHE brought me to understand my true path: That of service to the Divine Feminine, to Unity and to the restoration of Harmony and Balance on this planet.

Today I am a celebrated author, TEDx speaker and I guide women on their own path of remembering their sovereignty, their ancient Priestess origins and their path of loving service and Impact in the world, from a place of deep-seated inner balance, health, joy, vitality and from owning & integrating the full spectrum of their gifts.

Part of my journey of claiming back my connection to the Divine Feminine and my inner Priestess gifts has led me to get trained as a Theta Healer, Akashic Records Reader (connecting loving, Higher spirit guides and also receiving past life memories of doing this sacred work), Breathwork therapist, meditation teacher and ICF Life & Leadership Coach. This adds up to the 3 masters in business that I graduated from.

Now I incorporate these gifts into both of my 2 brands and have seen them flourish continuously, while supporting women to trust their own gifts, awaken their intuition and step into big leadership positions while maintaining their inner balance.

Who is the Sacred Feminine Business program calling in?

This Sacred FemininityBusiness Priestess activation training is for you if you find yourself in one or several of these statements:

  • You are a rising star in your career and have held several positions of leadership, yet you are yearning for a more balanced approach. You are longing to bring more feminine energy, flow & magnetism in the corporate boardroom or in your business

  • You are running or are planning to start your own business and feel there is a greater level of success that you can achieve, beyond what you have experienced so far. You also instinctively feel, as a woman, that you are not meant to be doing this journey alone. You know deep down that women were designed to work in community and support each other.

  • You want to receive all the tools and practices needed to grow your business AND be in the right mindset for consistent action AND feel like your body is energetically supported AND that you can trust your Divine Feminine intuition, trust yourself for taking consistent action!

  • You have been several times intrigued to learn more about Divine Feminine work, Priestesses and felt a sudden heart opening whenever hearing about it

  • You feel you have a bigger calling and so far have taken not much action towards it. But the calling is burning inside of you and asking you to learn how to pursue it, all the while managing your energy better

  • You want to contribute to raising the collective consciousness on the planet, in your own unique way, through your work and sharing your voice from a place of deep-seated trust, by pursuing a highly rewarding career or business

  • You are passionate about learning more about Divine feminine practices and how to take better care of yourself. Plus you love reading about manifestation techniques

  • You feel you are here to anchor divine love on Earth

  • You are eager to understand and utilize your gifts more and find avenues to express them creatively

  • You want to also share your gifts as a teacher or a guide, eventually, in the corporate boardroom or in your business

  • You are ready to own all aspects of your womanhood: the Wild Woman, the inner Lover, the Warrioress, the Queen, your Voice & Gifted Woman, the Priestess, all the way up to your inner Goddess

  • You want to learn ways to actively release, shift, alchemize lower frequency emotional & mental states and get yourself back up faster and with consistency

  • You want to learn how to constantly re-center and re-align when needed, at work and in your personal life

  • You want to learn ways to honor the Sacred in each moment, to honor the beauty of all life and to turn your own house / office into a living, abundant temple of love and harmony

  • You are here to take responsibility for the impact you are (co)creating in the world

Sacred Feminine Business 7-Months Training Study Curriculum

  • Month 1: Opening Ceremony, The Wild Woman Archetype: Connecting to your Higher Purpose

    Every month we have 2 live group study calls (One on the Divine Feminine archetype of the month & one on the Business Growth practices of the month) and a Sacred Feminine Business Video Coaching Call (focused on your leadership growth) and one integration week.

    Month 1 group call study topics :

    Opening Ceremony: Committing to your own journey into Self Love, Self Responsibility and Self Growth

    Temple of the Root Chakra:
    The Wild Woman archetype: Grounding practices & how to clear your energetic field
    Protection and connection to Mother Earth

    Connection to your Inner Wild, Natural Woman
    Connecting to your Higher Purpose & Calling practices

  • Month 2: The Inner Lover Archetype: accessing abundant inner love & radiance as a woman. The LIT UP career woman

    Month 2 Group call study topics:

    Temple of the Sacral Chakra:
    Connection to your Inner Lover and attuning to your moon cycle
    Self love & self care practices to enhance your radiance

    Womb energy practices for womb health & creativity

    Inner child healing for patterns that are keeping you stuck in worry, overwhelm and in playing small in your work

    Career & Business practices to attune to your moon cycle and heighten your levels of energy and clarity at work
    Creating in your career from the energy of Joy

  • Month 3: The Inner Warrioress Archetype: Taking up space, the confident woman. Claiming your worth

    Month 3 Group call study topics:

    Temple of the Solar Plexus Chakra:
    Solar Plexus energy clearing for all patterns of not following our dreams and playing small

    Activation for the seat of your Power, the Inner Warrioress

    Practices to step up in your power, take more space and be more action-oriented in your business and career

    Working smarter rather than working harder: The Inner Warrioress is also the strategist

    Your Sales strategy and results-driven Marketing

  • Month 4: The Inner Queen Archetype: Creating from the Heart, mature connections at work and in business. Shining your brilliance

    Month 4 Group Call study topics:

    Temple of the Heart Chakra:

    Connecting to the Inner Queen and heart activation for standing in your worth

    Your Queendom in Business / Career: How to show up from the energy of the Queen

    Speaking & Presentation Skills in your work

    Social media and building your tribe

    Networking skills for building your community and partnerships

  • Month 5: The Inner Medicine Woman Archetype: Your gifts, talents, blessings and how to bundle them in creative ways, developing your Voice in business

    Month 5 Group Call study topics:

    Temple of the Throat Chakra:

    Voice (Throat Chakra) healing and activation and sharing your signature message and story on a wider scale

    Mapping out your gifts, talents and skillset

    Creative ways to bundle them in business or at work

    Creative service-offerings that are aligned to your unique Soul signature

  • Month 6: The Inner Priestess Archetype: Powering up your Soul Career / Business with Mindset & Manifestation-aligned practices

    Month 6 Group Call study topics:

    Temple of the Third Eye Chakra:

    Connecting to your Inner Priestess for guidance on your path

    Energy clearing for all ways in which you have avoided, across time, to step into positions of leadership

    Leadership & Visibility: Activation of your capacity to Receive & Be Seen, on a higher level

    Abundance & manifestation practices for your Inner Priestess, to use in your career: Looking at and dismantling your abundance blocks; Abundance & Fertility practices

    The difference between the lower Mind and the higher Mind: Mindset practices to help you manifest with ease & grace in your business

  • Month 7: The Inner Goddess Archetype: Visibility, Leadership & Growth

    Month 7 Group Call study topics:

    The Temple of your Crown Chakra:

    Inner Goddess / Higher Self + what it means to be living from that energy most of the time

    Connecting your Inner Goddess, realized self and receiving guidance from her

    Listening to and attuning to your full Intuition : bringing together the 3 brains in your body

    Inner Union : Blessing of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine within

    Bridging the feminine and masculine in our career in a healthy way & how that makes you grow exponentially: When to lean onto your feminine energy and when to build from the masculine

Here is how the 7 Divine Feminine Archetypes we will journey with and activate, also relate to empowerment when it comes to your business & career (we will dive into each of these topics during the 7-months Sacred Feminine Business program):

1) The Wild Woman (Root Chakra Temple):

  • This is the archetype that opens you up to your roots, your WHY, Your Unique Message for your business or your career. You will have a chance to design your WHY and your Unique Messaging and Vision during the Wild Woman archetype month.

  • Grounded Leadership: The Inner Wild Woman helps you connect deeply to your own power, creating unshakeable confidence. When you are rooted in your authenticity, you can lead without fear and make grounded decisions in your business.

  • Resilience and Stability: By working with the energy of this archetype, you develop resilience in the face of challenges, creating a strong foundation for sustained career growth.

2) The Inner Lover (Sacral Chakra Temple):

  • For Business Owners: This is the archetype that opens you up to a deeper Relationship to your Audience & your Pleasurable Marketing (your marketing strategy that is Soul-aligned with you and your audience). In this month, on our Business Call you receive coaching on how to identify and connect to your audience, plus how to build your pleasurable marketing strategy

  • For Career Executives: This is the archetype that allows you to develop harmonious relationships at work: with your colleagues, your managers and your clients. She is based in the wisdom of acting from the feminine primarily, using your intuitive senses to support you in every interaction. When nourished, your Inner Lover also makes you more creative and makes you stand out.

  • Creativity and Flow: The Inner Lover archetype awakens your creative power, allowing you to tap into flow states where work feels more aligned, inspired, and enjoyable. This boosts productivity and opens you up to innovative solutions in business.

  • Passion and Joy in Leadership: Embodying this archetype brings more pleasure and passion into your work. You learn to infuse joy into your career, making it easier to stay motivated and attract opportunities that feel aligned with your heart.

  • Healthy Boundaries and Balance: The Lover archetype helps you create balance in your work, establishing healthy boundaries to avoid burnout while maintaining a harmonious relationship with your career and personal life. It refers to Sacred Self Care routines in business and in your career.

    3) The Inner Warrioress (Solar Plexus Temple):

  • For Business Owners: This is the archetype that opens you up to Sacred Sales & Structure in your Business, motivating you to put into place the right action plan to start getting sales in, plus following it with commitment and backed by the structures most appropriate to you and your business / career. In this month, you get to design your sacred sales strategies, learn strategies to connect deeper to your audience and put into place the structures that will support you moving forward.

  • For Career Executives: This is the archetype that helps you with deadlines, structure and with getting tangible results in your work. She is the one who supports your growth. She is the one who is not afraid to take up space in client meetings, in interactions with your colleagues and manager and she is a go-getter, relentlessly pursuing and delivering on her goals. She is the quintessential career woman.

  • Confidence and Courage: The Warrioress empowers you to take bold actions and pursue ambitious goals without hesitation. Her energy is key in overcoming self-doubt and stepping up as a powerful, decisive leader.

  • Overcoming Obstacles: With the courage and strength of the Warrioress, you’ll face challenges head-on and emerge stronger. This archetype helps you develop perseverance and strategic thinking, vital for leadership in high-pressure environments.

    4) The Inner Queen (Heart Chakra Temple):

  • For Business Owners: This is the archetype that opens you up to your long term business / career Strategy, as the Queen sees everything in medium & long term, 6-months up to 1 year. You will get to develop your 6-months up to 1 year product / services strategy , plus sales and marketing for it.

  • For Career Executives: The Inner Queen is here to empower you in how you present yourself, from the way you dress, the way you speak, the way you present (she has amazing presentation skills) in meetings. People naturally look up to a Queen. That level of attention, praise and recognition is what you will be getting at work when you activate your Inner Queen. She is the one worthy of a raise, who stands in her worth and speaks with authority and confidence.

  • Heart-Centered Leadership: The Inner Queen leads with grace, compassion, and love. This archetype encourages empathy and emotional intelligence, helping you build strong, trusting relationships with colleagues, teams, and clients.

  • Collaboration and Influence: As a Queen, you learn to lead from a place of calm authority and emotional balance, fostering a collaborative atmosphere in your workplace where others feel empowered to follow your lead.

    5) The Medicine Woman / Artist / Sacred Self Expression (Throat Chakra Temple):

  • For Business Owners: This is the archetype that opens you up to Creative Self Expression. So this is the month where we explore how you can creatively express yourself to reach a wider audience. We also look at wider networks and Networking strategies for your business / career. Plus, creative ways to bundle your services / products and create new offerings that speak to your audience.

  • For Career Executives: This is the archetype that allows you to express yourself at work in new, creative ways. She finds a creative solution to any problem. Also, she doesn’t shy away from influence, from using her voice to rise and she stands up for others as well, she stands up for what is right. She also uses her voice with tact and ease in networking surroundings and establishes new, thriving connections easily.

  • Authentic Communication: The Medicine Woman archetype empowers you to speak your truth clearly and confidently. In business, this translates to authentic leadership where your voice and vision are valued and respected.

  • Influential Leadership: This archetype helps you refine your voice and use it to inspire, lead, and influence others, whether through public speaking, team management, and inspirational workshops.

    6) The Inner Priestess (Third Eye Temple):

  • For Business Owners: This is the archetype that opens you up to The Divine Feminine way of manifesting in your business. We will co-create Ceremony and Rituals for Abundance, for Connection to your Audience. Plus you will receive powerful rituals and routines to shifts your energetic and emotional levels whenever you reach a lower mood and to shift and alchemize into a higher state of wellbeing. This leads to increased & sustained abundance, in the long run. This is a vital aspect of self care is often overlooked in modern-day business / career driven women and it is in fact, one of the most impactful ones for success.

  • For Career Executives: This is the archetype that opens you up to The Divine Feminine way of manifesting in your career. We will co-create Ceremony and Rituals for Abundance, for Connection to increased levels of income and impact. We will also dive into various types of investments you can do to diversify your sources of monthly income. Plus you will receive powerful rituals and routines to shifts your energetic and emotional levels whenever you reach a lower mood and to shift and alchemize into a higher state of wellbeing. This leads to increased & sustained abundance, in the long run.

  • Visionary Thinking: As the Priestess, you step into the role of a visionary, seeing beyond the present moment to shape the future of your business or career. This archetype enhances your ability to think creatively and see opportunities others may miss.

    7) The Inner Goddess (Crown Chakra Temple):

  • This is the archetype that opens you up to truly becoming the CEO of your life and business / career. She is the one that believes in the energy of expansion (she is deeply connected to the Universe and works with, understands and embodies the energetics of the 12 laws of the Universe). She understands that everything in your life ultimately leads you to expansion, whether you can see acknowledge it in that moment or not. In this month we will look into honoring the 12 Universal laws and into the attitudes, mindset shifts and wellbeing rituals that will support you on the long run in your business / career.

  • Divine Leadership: The Inner Goddess archetype helps you embody your highest self, leading from a place of spiritual wisdom and divine connection. You become a magnetic, visionary leader capable of inspiring profound change in your business and industry.

  • Holistic Success: The Inner Goddess teaches you to embrace a holistic approach to success, where spiritual fulfillment and material abundance are in harmony, elevating both your personal and professional life.

The 7-months training includes:

  • 2 monthly Live Group Study Calls: One Group Call on the Divine Feminine archetype of the month and embodiment exercises, plus releasing inner blocks & limiting beliefs + One Business Growth Coaching Group Call every month, where we focus on the Business practices of the month and I bring in business coaching & leadership —> worth 600 euros monthly. Plus, you receive the recordings.

  • One Group Theta Healing session monthly & an Activation with the Divine Feminine power archetype of the month

  • One integration & practice week (the 4th week of every month)

  • Access to a private Facebook group for the Inner Leadership Priestess Training

  • Life-time access to the curricula and to all recordings

    It is my heart-felt wish that all women get access to these transformational Divine Feminine teachings at least once in their lifetime.

The 7-months training will empower you to:

1. Increased Self-Trust and Decision-Making Confidence

You will cultivate a deeper sense of trust in your own intuition, allowing you to make quick, aligned decisions in your career and business without second-guessing yourself.

2. Magnetic Personal and Professional Presence

By embodying the feminine archetypes, you will naturally enhance your leadership presence, becoming more magnetic to opportunities, clients, and colleagues through authentic, grounded energy.

3. Clear Business Vision and Strategy

The program will help women clarify their long-term vision for their business, aligning it with their soul’s purpose. This clarity will empower you to set strategic goals that feel aligned and achievable.

4. Increased Creativity and Innovation

The work with archetypes like the Inner Lover and Inner Priestess will unleash a new wave of creativity, allowing you to approach business challenges from fresh, innovative perspectives.

5. Greater Work-Life Balance

Women will learn to create healthy boundaries and prioritize self-care, leading to better work-life balance. This will allow you to maintain high performance without burnout.

6. Courage to Take Bold, Aligned with your Higher Intuition Steps

The Inner Warrioress will help you overcome fear, empowering you to take bold risks that feel aligned with your career vision. This could include launching new projects, making career pivots, or pursuing leadership roles.

7. Increased Visibility and Influence

With the empowerment of the Inner Queen and Medicine Woman, you will confidently step into greater visibility, allowing you to expand your influence in your field and attract new opportunities for leadership.

8. Mastery of Stress and Emotional Resilience

Through the program's holistic teachings, women will develop tools to manage stress effectively, staying calm and composed during high-pressure situations, allowing them to navigate challenging times with grace and resilience.

9. Ability to Attract Aligned Opportunities

The program will help participants align energetically with their desired career outcomes, making it easier to attract opportunities, partnerships, and projects that resonate with their values and vision for growth.

10. Higher Productivity with Less Effort

By integrating feminine flow and intuition into your leadership style, you will experience an increase in productivity with less effort and more ease, avoiding overwork and burnout while achieving better results.

11. Deeper Connection to Personal Power and Worth

The Inner Wild Woman and Inner Goddess archetypes will guide women to reclaim their personal power and sense of worth, empowering them to confidently negotiate raises, promotions, and set higher expectations for their career trajectory.

12. Authentic Personal Branding

You will discover how to express your true essence in a way that strengthens your personal and professional brand, making you more memorable, respected, and influential in your field.

13. Freedom from Imposter Syndrome

The work with the Divine Feminine archetypes, especially the Inner Priestess and Inner Queen, helps women release feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome, allowing them to fully embrace their expertise and leadership potential.

14. Expanded Network and Influence

By stepping into your empowered, authentic self, you will naturally attract high-caliber peers, mentors, and collaborators, expanding your professional network and influence within your industry.

15. Sustainable High-Performance

The program provides tools for balancing feminine energy with action-oriented leadership, allowing women to sustain high performance without depleting themselves, leading to long-term career success and personal well-being.

Your Guide for the journey: 


Alina is a sacred femininity & conscious career leadership coach, as well as a celebrated feminine wisdom author. She is the creator of Illuminated Essence, Goddess Retreats and experiences, for women to step into their power, gifts and radiance.

She is honored to share more than 15 years of growth and insights with you, having transitioned from corporate life (in Africa and Europe) to entrepreneurship and working with hundreds of clients all across the world to help them reach a place of balance, inner mastery and expression of their gifts and leadership.

Alina’s own experience with burnout is what has formed her medicine and love of a holistic approach to life.

She combines mindset leadership coaching with her certifications as an energy healer in 5 different techniques: Breathwork, Theta Healing, Akashic Records Readings, KA (Kundalini Activation) and Access Consciousness. She is a guardian of the sacred feminine codes and Goddess sacred knowledge, having been initiated in ancient Priestess Schools and created online and offline offerings for women to connect to and activate their inner feminine mastery & radiance.

I believe we live in times where the feminine and masculine energies are meant to come back into balance again and a great part of that will have to do with women owning their inner power, intuition, sacred gifts, mind-body-heart-Soul connection and expressing their voices in the world —> through projects, companies, collaborations and visionary offerings. The feminine energy is so nourishing, loving, wise and deeply needed in these times of transition for all of humanity.

Alina is also the co-author of the Amazon best selling book “Ignite Your Feminine Leadership” (2019).

Testimonials from clients that have worked with Alina, inside the Divine Feminine Wisdom School

Loes de Vreugd, The Netherlands

"By tapping into our powers we become the Queens that we are! I learned so much about how to move forward and cultivate the queen, inner lover and priestess within us. The course has weekly meditations to clear our energy and tap into new insights and possibilities. The modules are very well thought out and explained by Alina with great examples for better understanding. This course is set up to grow into your spiritual path and also use this into your professional career. By doing the assignments weekly you will tap into your life purpose and discover new ways to bring this out to the world. Very beautiful course, I recommend it highly!"

Carmen Floris, USA

“Discovering your inner Goddess involves exploring and embracing your feminine power, intuition, creativity, and spirituality; this course offered me the amazing opportunity to do this. I highly recommend it if you want to connect with your intuition, understand who you are and tap into your inner power and voice- discover your own feminine leadership story! Deeply grateful for the inspiring community and Alina's loving, precious teachings!"

Cristiana Alexandra Lupsea, Romania

„My experience with Alina was magic. It happened almost a week ago, but I can still feel that energy and presence. It was like coming home, to my own self. I felt love and acceptance. And from that moment on, the feeling stayed within me, and I only need to tap in, whenever I need it. The akashic reading performed by Alina gave me a sense of belonging, of my own worth, it helped me connect the pieces missing and I can honestly say that it forever changed my life. I feel now more confident, more aware of Who I really am. I feel the support of my Guides, my dear Tribe, it was such a blessing to get to know them and establish a connection with them. So, with all my heart, I recommend this journey. If you get to a point in your life where you need guidance and support, than taking this small but profound step with Alina can be exactly what you also need. Thank you. I am very grateful for this immense opportunity!”

Sidonia Fuleki, UK

„This experience has provided such valuable insights and has awakened me, in the most beautiful sense. As I shared in the Q&A's, as I started to nurture and pay attention to these amazing Divine Feminine Archetypes, a lot of things shifted in my life and I am very grateful. Another thing I loved is the sense of community and meeting wonderful ladies with inspiring stories! Thank you Alina, for your commitment and dedication!"

Nakia White, Kenya

„After several conversations with other potential coaches, I spoke with Alina and was immediately struck by her insight and the deep well of professional knowledge and personal wisdom. One of the key learnings from our sessions was identifying and narrowing down on some fundamental business values. I am now guided by those values, thus making better career and business decisions. I highly recommend Alina!”


How long is the training and how often are the calls?

This certification training is 7 months and there are 2 live group calls monthly + a 1-on-1 coaching call monthly, on the first 3 Mondays of the month, at 6:30 pm London time:
The first 2 calls are lectures & practice on the subject topics of the month. The 3rd call is a 1-on-1 business & career coaching call with you at the center stage, with personalized guidance and advice for your journey. The Group grows and expands together, in a strong and committed sisterhood, over the space of the 7 months. The level of synchronicities, love, growth and overflow of abundance that the ladies get to experience inside the Inner Leadership Priestess Training is un-paralleled and brings about the best in you.

Will there be Replays for the calls in case I can’t make it to some of them?

I do recommend as much as possible being there live and engaging, as that’s how you grow the fastest. However, yes I understand there can also be unforeseen situations so… great news is there will always be a replay available! And you have lifetime access to the replays and the training.
In terms of graduation, it’s the ladies who all finish the 7-months and complete the assignment practices who get to graduate.

How much is the investment?

At the moment, there is a pay-as-you-go, monthly affordable offer available for the Queens registering in the Inner Leadership Priestess Training, to suit the different levels of budget. Therefore if you are part of those who want to make it, it is completely feasible. The investment is at 197 euros monthly and it will most likely grow with each new cohort. So now is the best time to join. And the level of fast-paced energetic, feminine leadership and business growth you get to experience during the 7 months is unprecedented. This is a one-of-a-kind journey that combines both feminine leadership energetics (and embodying the Divine Feminine archetypes) and business and career coaching, allowing you to grow sustainably.

Can I get with you on a call if I have additional questions?

Yes, feel free to book a call with me right HERE, on my Calendar link.
Here’s to rising in your Priestess qualities and building your own legacy sustainably, here on Earth in these times when your voice, your message and your craft & skills are most needed.

This is your call to join a community of change-makers, women that open up their voice and their gifts in their career, ready to unleash their brilliance

Join us inside the 7-months Sacred Feminine Business program