Ignite your Inner Light:

Connecting to your Higher Self & Spirit Guides

3-Months Certification

A transformative journey towards self discovery & living an aligned life

STARTS from April 22nd

Have you ever wondered how it feels like to embrace a deeper connection to your Higher Self & tap into endless possibilities of personal growth?

Do you wish to experience the joy of living in deeper harmony with your spiritual path, as your inner guidance empowers you in making life’s important decisions?

Then this 3-months group course & Certification is for you

Ignite your Inner Light is a 3-months online growth journey for those ready to deepen their connection to their Higher Self & Spirit Guides

This 3-months accelerated journey will provide you with the tools, the guidance and the confidence to gradually build your very own connection to messages from within, your Higher Self & Spirit Guides.


  1. It relieves worries & anxiety, it relaxes your mind

  2. It brings you into the calmer space of your Heart and your connection to your Higher Self, from where wise answers and guidance can emerge

  3. You become much more discerning with what is yours and what is not, energetically

  4. You develop much stronger boundaries energetically

  5. You gradually cleanse your mind of lower frequency thoughts and tap into your Higher level thinking and seeing

  6. You start seeing the bigger picture in life and no longer get easily dragged down by triggers, emotional overload, external influences and confusion

  7. You tap into heart-aligned decision making, which brings a wealth of wellbeing and inner peace

  8. You develop a higher level of trust in yourself and in your life —> leading to quicker & more effective, positive manifestations in any field of your focus

Structure of the journey over 3 months:


Are you constantly or often in your chatter mind?

Do you often get lost in feelings of anxiety and overwhelm?

Do you suffer from analysis paralysis and dwell for way too long over decisions, ultimately halting your own progress?

Do you often play small and are afraid to be too visible, preferring to hide?

That’s when learning to connect with your Higher Self, through daily meditation, can establish a direct channel to elevated thoughts, feelings and ways of acting in the world.

Your Higher Self is your eternal self, your Soul wisdom and your reservoir of connection to Source too, through your very own unique Soul wisdom.

It is the voice of your Soul and learning to connect to it regularly enhances all aspects of your life and allows you to show up in the world from a place of deep seated inner peace & confidence.

WEEK 1 Masterclass: Grounding & Connection to Mother Earth. Heart Connection practice

WEEK 2 Masterclass: Higher Self Connection & Practice

Week 3 Masterclass: Connection to the Divine & receiving blessings from the Divine plane

Week 4: Practice Week —> channeled messages for yourself and paired exercises


Do you sometimes feel alone and without immediate support?…

Do you wish you had a team of trusted advisors, in various fields of life, that you could regularly go to for advice?

Would you like to lean into more balance, inner flow, harmony ?

Would you like to know that you are supported, no matter how big the leap you take in your private or professional life?

This is where connecting with your team of Spirit Guides that are there for your highest and greatest good can be a great & invaluable resource.

Your Spirit Guides cannot interfere with your decisions, since they are guides and so they offer guidance, they will never impose anything on you.

When you reach out to proactively and start communicating to your Spirit Guides, your life becomes more than ever a flow of synchronicities! A living, walking miracle. You experience euphoria more often, “channeled” solutions and unexpected support and insights keep coming to you.

You also experience a deeper sense of love, as your Guides are deeply, unconditionally loving.

WEEK 1 Masterclass: The 8 Ways of receiving channeled information & Practicing

WEEK 2 Masterclass: Types of Spirit Guides. Energetic boundaries & Wellbeing

Week 3 Masterclass: Asking Questions to your Spirit Guides & Receiving Answers.

Building Discernment & Responsibility

Week 4: Practice Week —> channeled messages from your Spirit Guides


All knowledge received is equal in value to how often you put it into practice.

That is why in the final month, we focus on bringing everything together by applying your newly developed skills directly in your life:

Week 1 Masterclass: Higher Self and Spirit Guidance in relationship to yourself, your inner state of wellbeing and important life decisions

Week 2 Masterclass: How you can practice Higher Self & Spirit Guidance at work, in your profession

Week 3 Masterclass: Higher Self & Spirit Guidance in your relationships

Week 4: Final Practice Week and Celebration

Once you heighten your spirit connection, being able to tap into at any time and listen intently for Higher Self guidance & guidance from your team of Guides —> then your outlook on life, your emotional wellbeing and your relationship to yourself evolve into a more peaceful, easeful and serene way of being.

You don’t question so much as before and your lean into your decisions with a growing sense of stability and inner knowing.

Your 3-months accelerator Journey Guide:


Since I was very young, I was a deep empath and my senses were open to the subtler energies around me. I became certified in a variety of energy healing practices, from Akashic Records Readings (where my already existing connection to Spirit Guides was amplified) to Breathwork, Theta Healing, Access Consciousness (Access Bars), to KAP (Kundalini Activation Process), Reiki and Pranic Healing.

I am honored to share more than 15 years of growth and insights with you, working with clients across the world, on all continents.

I help executives and founders move away from burnout mentality back into claiming their inner power, purpose and peace of mind & heart.

How my journey of connection to my Higher Self & Spirit Guides began:

My deepened connection to my Higher Self & spirit guides came to me in the most unexpected moment of my life: just as I suffered from a burnout at work and was exiting a relationship in which I had invested so much emotionally, feeling drained out.

In the midst of those big changes, I was meditating daily and I started connecting intuitively to my heart, from where guidance started pouring in. Guidance that made me feel better and made me see again the possibilities in my life, rather than dwell in what was not working out.

Shortly after, I started receiving guidance in my dreams from spirit guides and ancestors and the connection has never stopped. It has only gotten deeper after the Akashic Records Reading training, which enhanced my natural skills of connecting to the unseen realm and to spirit guides.

Spirit Guides I most naturally connect to include angels, Archangels, Goddesses, Ascended Masters & Saints, as well as ancestors.

My daily practice of connection to my Higher Self and the Divine, plus staying open throughout the month and throughout my travels to receiving inspired insights from spirit guides has allowed me to take reigns of my own life and design a purpose-driven life: I was guided to my current home, community of friends (Soul tribe) and I am constantly helped in my business to be of highest service and be at the right place, at the right time.

Now I am deeply grateful & honored to hep people all over the world with Soul Evolution Akashic Readings, as well as transformational coaching & mentorship and retreats, where they get to experience the immense relief and joy that is re-born inside of them from that deepened connection to their Soul, inner guidance and connection to the Divine. They get to expand into bigger possibilities for their lives, work and relationships.


  • Weekly you will need 1h for the Masterclass, which happens on Thursday. Plus you will receive a meditation to practice in your on time.

  • The weekly Masterclass is 1h and it will happen on Thursdays, at 5 pm Portugal time / 6 pm CET.
    In case you cannot make it live, you will receive the recording of the Masterclass weekly, as well as the meditation to practice for the week.

  • No, not at all. Even if you are a complete beginner, you can develop a beautiful practice. I will be showing you, during the weekly Masterclasses, various methods to receive intuitive messages from your Higher Self & Spirit Guides, some of them go beyond meditation.
    And even for complete beginners, my way of guiding you into meditation and creating a safe space for you to easily receive the downloads, will make it so that you start opening up to that guidance. And you will see how beautiful this inner work is and how much you start looking forward to it, with excitement and anticipation, every week. You will be opening up to an immense river of love, insights & Divine connection that has always been inside of you, waiting patiently for you to open up to it. Once established and cultivated, your connection to your Higher Self and spirit guides will become a beacot of support for you, throughout your life.


Carmen Floris, USA

“I was searching for insight into why I felt such discontent in my life, always looked for the next thing to fix, and never found the work environment that was empowering or work that really lights me up. I found so many answers here in Alina's course and support. The Aha's and benefits were innumerable and priceless. I now feel I know how to grow and nurture greater the traits, qualities and ways of being that help me create contentment in all those areas. Learning to listen to what my heart wants and grow self-trust, wisdom, inner knowing, resilience, peace, contentment, confidence, empowerment, improved relationships with myself and others, are a few of the benefits. I feel so much more alive and expansive as a result of taking this course with Alina."

Szidonia Fuleki, UK

“I have learned so much during the course with Alina, some of the biggest take-aways for me are: listen to your heart and your intuition, it will lead you to the right path. I am worthy, capable and allowed to dream big! I have to nurture and love myself so I can be an overflowing cup & be able to give to others my energy, my love. Sooo grateful for you Alina, for sharing this amazing knowledge with us!”

Sina Ghalabor, USA

“The session with Alina provided immense clarity, trust and purpose towards my new chapter in life. Having met her through a series of courses, I knew she is the one I would like to work with and completely trusted. She is bright, highly empathic and a pure gift. Her Reading for me was to the point, and extremely helpful and relatable. Hoping to work with her more and more in the future. “

Cristiana Alexandra Lupsea, Romania

“My experience with Alina was magic. It happened almost a week ago, but I can still feel that energy and presence. It was like coming home, to my own self. I felt love and acceptance. And from that moment on, the feeling stayed within me, and I only need to tap in, whenever I need it. The akashic reading performed by Alina gave me a sence of belonging, of my own worth, it helped me connect the pieces missing and I can honestly say that it forever changed my life. I feel now more confident, more aware of Who I really am. I feel the support of my Guides, my dear Tribe, it was such a blessing to get to know them and estblish a connection with them. So, with all my heart, I recommend this journey. If you get to a point in your life where you need guidance and support, than taking this small but profound step with Alina can be exactly what you also need. Thank you. I am very grateful for this immense opportunity! “

Akua Nyame Mensah, Ghana

“My reading with Alina was pure Joy! I was blown away by her insight and the amount of time and energy she poured into helping me gain clarity. I would recommend her coaching & readings to anyone looking to get some direction and is not afraid of shifting their perspective on a few things. Alina - thank you for your dedication and for always supporting me. I would not be where I am without your guidance, and I look forward to our next session! “

Ana Paula Hur, Portugal

“Alina is a gifted healer and energy worker, by tapping into my Akashic Records, we transcended time and space. I highly recommend her sessions for an in-depth understanding of the soul’s journey and a deeper connection with oneself. “

“Evolution (and especially on the great cusp of changes humanity is experiencing right now), in the age of information, when we are bombarded with input from all sides

—> will require us to become highly discerning, to tune into our inner guidance first and foremost.

It will require us to open up our intuitive senses to higher communication & receiving Divine and Soul guidance.

That type of connection and inner guidance provides a deep sense of serenity, peace & purpose on one’s path.”

— Alina Cristina Buteica