Awaken your Inner Priestess Masterclass

3 Keys to Awaken your Inner Priestess: The Divine Feminine Archetype here to empower your life & career

12 September 2024, 6 pm London / Lisbon time

Here is what you will be learning:

  1. Learn how the Priestess Archetype has empowered women since the beginning of time to grow in their inner leadership & the way they show up in the world

  2. Learn why the Priestess archetype disappeared for almost 2 millennia from the collective and the impact that has had on women + why it is re-surfacing now

  3. Learn about the Priestess as a leader, a speaker, a shifter of perspectives, ceremonialist, gifted woman and many other roles that she incorporates within her

  4. Discover 3 keys to phenomenal growth in your life and in your career / business that your Inner Priestess holds within her

  5. Learn about how why it is important for our evolution as women to work with Divine Feminine archetypes that empower us, in our life and business

  6. Learn a simple Priestess practice that you can easily incorporate in your week

  7. Learn how you can further tap into your Inner Priestess and be part of a 9-months training

Inner Priestess Journey Teacher:


Alina is a sacred femininity & conscious career leadership coach, as well as a celebrated feminine wisdom author. She is the creator of Illuminated Essence, Goddess Retreats and experiences, for women to step into their power, gifts and radiance.

She is honored to share more than 15 years of growth and insights with you, having transitioned from corporate life (in Africa and Europe) to entrepreneurship and working with hundreds of clients all across the world to help them reach a place of balance, inner mastery and expression of their gifts and leadership.

Alina’s own experience with burnout is what has formed her medicine and love of a holistic approach to life.

She combines mindset leadership coaching with her certifications as an energy healer in 5 different techniques: Breathwork, Theta Healing, Akashic Records Readings, KA (Kundalini Activation) and Access Consciousness. She is a guardian of the sacred feminine codes and Goddess sacred knowledge, having been initiated in ancient Priestess Schools and created online and offline offerings for women to connect to and activate their inner feminine mastery & radiance.

I believe we live in times where the feminine and masculine energies are meant to come back into balance again and a great part of that will have to do with women owning their inner power, intuition, sacred gifts, mind-body-heart-Soul connection and expressing their voices in the world —> through projects, companies, collaborations and visionary offerings. The feminine energy is so nourishing, loving, wise and deeply needed in these times of transition for all of humanity.

Alina is also the co-author of the Amazon best selling book “Ignite Your Feminine Leadership” (2019).

“The gem of your greatest change is YOU.

I invite you to ask along with me:

What if you are not here to settle for the ordinary? What if you are truly, extraordinary?”

— Excerpt from “Ignite your Feminine Leadership”, International Bestseller book co-authored by Alina Cristina Buteica