The Magdalenes Retreat 2025, Glastonbury, UK

25 - 27 April 2025, Glastonbury, UK

A Divine Feminine & sacred retreat to the ancient lands of Avalon and the Heart Chakra of the Earth

About Glastonbury, UK

High energy place often associated with the Heart Chakra of the Earth

About Glastonbury, endless books and movies (“The Mists of Avalon” and all the books and movies on the legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table) have been written. It is a place of truly magnificent energy and you feel it the moment you step foot inside the town.

From the spectacular and awe-inspiring Glastonbury Abbey (the site where the legendary King Arthur’s tomb is and where the stories of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table abound), to the Magdalene Fields, to The Chalice Well Gardens (that contains natural springs with highly beneficial properties, dedicated to honoring the Divine Feminine on Earth) and the great Tor hill with St. Michael’s Tower (under which the Earth’s ley lines / energy meridians of Archangel Michael and Mother Mary intersect, bringing the traveler to the frequency of insights and peace and clarity), Glastonbury in the heart of England is a a true gem to discover.

Over the space of 3 magical days, we will journey with the energy of the Heart, of Spring & Renewal and of Healing, Growth & Loving Service in the world, as we plant the seeds for a fertile and prosperous 2025, celebrating together the Creative energies of the Spring of 2025.

The Magdalenes Retreat 2025 is a call to all women with a heart-felt mission:

  • Women ready to become birthers of a new reality, a deeply conscious & more loving way of living

  • Women with a big calling and path of service & leadership in life

  • Generous & loving women who understand that now is their time: their time to rise, to no longer hold back from their dreams and to walk in sisterhood and in mutual support of each other and of their missions in this lifetime

  • Women who feel the sweeping change happening on Earth right now and who are ready to embody their unique Divine Feminine codes, wisdom and to lead and create from that place

  • Women who are ready to bloom into their full potential & unapologetic expression

Places we will be visiting and holding sessions in:

  • The Glastonbury Abbey

    The Glastonbury Abbey is a place where the energy and the Union of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are tangibly felt. The Heart energy is very palpable here and it was one of the places that has had the Most profound impacts on me and many people who visited.
    The Glastonbury Abbey is connected to legends to a degree that is unparalleled by any other abbey in England. Since Medieval times, the Abbey has had legendary status as it is linked to Joseph of Arimathea (the uncle of Jesus, who lived and walked these lands) and King Arthur and his court of the Knights of the Round Table. It also has a beautiful Lady Chapel dedicated to Mary Magdalene, were there is space for meditation and contemplation.

  • The Tor hill & St. Michael's Tower

    Glastonbury Tor, on the mystical “Isle of Avalon”, is a truly iconic feature of Somerset’s landscape. At 158 metros it rises high above Avalon (Glastonbury) and it can be seen from across the county and beyond. On its summit stands St Michael’s tower, which adds further to the dramatic effect of the Tor at sunrise, sunset and on misty mornings.

    A refreshing walk and hike up to
    the top blesses you with a breath-taking view, all the while feeling the heightened energy from underneath the Earth (as this is where the ley lines of Archangel Michael and Mother Mary intersect).
    It is a place for feeling into and envisioning your high potential future, all the while feeing safe and guarded by the loving energies of the land, anchoring it all deep on Earth.

  • The Chalice Well Gardens

    The natural springs, from deep within the Earth, are a living sanctuary dedicated to the Divine Feminine.

    Chalice Well is one of Britain's most ancient wells, nestling in the Vale of Avalon between the famous Glastonbury Tor and Chalice Hill. Surrounded by beautiful gardens and orchards, it is a living sanctuary in which the visitor can experience the quiet healing of this sacred place. Over three acres of peace.

    For over two thousand years this has been a place where people have gathered to drink the waters and find solace, peace and inspiration.

    This is also the place where, opening the Akashic Records, in deep peace and contemplation, I connected several times and received guidance from the Magdalenes, Rose Lineage Priestesses.

The Magdalenes Retreat 2025 Practices:

  1. Inner Goddess Meditations, awakening your heightened potential

  2. Cacao ceremony and planting the seeds of the New at the Spring Equinox

  3. Connecting to your loving & empowering spirit Guides session

  4. Group Akashic Records Reading and receiving messages for heart healing, growth & purpose activation at the Glastonbury Abbey

  5. Theta Healing session for releasing self sabotage and unhealthy ancestral patterns

  6. Activating the inner codes of Divine Union (Feminine & Masculine) session

  7. Business & Career Leadership Group Mentoring session on Sunday, with hot-seat coaching

  8. Sacred Feminine Dance

  9. Breathwork for connecting to your Higher Self guidance

  10. Story telling Visits at the Glastonbury Abbey, the Tor & St. Michael’s Tower, the Chalice Well Springs and Gardens

Retreat Packages:

  • Super Early Bird: 555 euros (before 15 September 2024). Payable also in 2 instalments, check the payment options below

  • Early Bird: 750 euros (before end of 2024) payable also in 2 instalments.

  • Regular price: 880 euros (before start of the retreat), payable also in 2 instalments

Retreat Price includes all Retreat activities over the 3 days and entries at visited sites.

For accommodation: Glastonbury has many accommodation options, from town inns, hotels, to lovely Airbnb’s.
For closeness to the retreat space venue, the Chalice Well, it is recommended to book a room at the Chalice Well Retreat House, which is 70 £ per night, with two nights minimum stay.

Alina has visited Glastonbury several times and she can help you with any accommodation option that you prefer, as well as booking.

Your Magdalenes Retreat 2025 Guide:

Alina Cristina Buteica, Founder of the Divine Feminine School “Inner Goddess” & celebrated author on Feminine Leadership:

Alina is a sacred femininity & conscious leadership coach, as well as a celebrated feminine wisdom author. She is the creator of Illuminated Essence, Goddess Retreats and experiences, for women to step into their power, gifts and radiance.

She is honored to share more than 15 years of growth and insights with you, having transitioned from corporate life (in Africa and Europe) to entrepreneurship and working with hundreds of clients all across the world to help them reach a place of balance, inner mastery and expression of their gifts and leadership.

Alina’s own experience with burnout is what has formed her medicine and love of a holistic approach to life.

She combines mindset leadership coaching with her certifications as an energy healer in 7 different techniques: Breathwork, Theta Healing, Akashic Records Readings, Access Consciousness, Reiki and KA (Kundalini Activations). She is a guardian of the sacred feminine codes and Goddess sacred knowledge, having been initiated in ancient Priestess Schools and created online and offline offerings for women to connect to and activate their inner feminine mastery & radiance.

I believe we live in times where the feminine and masculine energies are meant to come back into balance again and a great part of that will have to do with women owning their inner power, intuition, sacred gifts, mind-body-heart-Soul connection and expressing their voices in the world —> through projects, companies, collaborations and visionary offerings. The feminine energy is so nourishing, loving, wise and deeply needed in these times of transition for all of humanity.

Alina is also the co-author of the Amazon best selling book “Ignite Your Feminine Leadership” (2019).

Participants’ Love:

Join the Magdalenes Retreat 2025, during mid-spring and the Beltane portal of heightened energy , in one of the most highly activating places on Earth, the Earth’s Heart Chakra in Glastonbury, UK

I look forward to a Divinely guided journey, that we will be talking about for years !